After Hurricane Sandy, I felt like I wanted to have something in my home that I could look at that would encourage us and fill our house with positive energy. At first I was going to order some inspirational words and sayings to just place around my house, but I kind of felt like I would want to change them all the time. Since I am trying to keep my life simple and more organized, I didn't want to have a lot of stuff around either. I love reading positive affirmations and will often type myself a note and email it to myself so I can read something positive in the morning.
I decided to get a black board for my kitchen, which we recently renovated after the hurricane. My husband hung it up and while my son was getting ready for school, I thought it would be fun to write him a note. When he was younger, I used to put little cards in his school lunch so when he opened it at school he would get a special little note from me with cute little sayings. He loved it and his friends used to ask him if I could send in cards for them too. It was such a fun thing to do.
I was surprised that Davey liked my blackboard idea. I was even more surprised when he told me he wanted to write a special note for his dad to read when he came home from work. We are having so much fun with it that I wanted to share the idea... it's a fun way to let our kids know you're thinking about them.
Probably my favorite note so far was today's note. My mom passed away last year, but the one lesson I always remembered that she taught me was to be kind and that is what I now teach my son. What special message would you write? I would love to hear about it!

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