Sunday, December 21, 2014

30 Day Be Thankful Challenge

What are you thankful for?  
What makes you smile?  
What makes you feel good?  

Sometimes it's as simple as someone smiling back at you or holding the door for someone and hearing them say thank you.  I know that for me, it's about the little things.  Many years ago I gave my mother a gratitude journal and after she passed away I found the journal with her things.  I opened the book, and it opened to the only page it had writing on.  She wrote, "I am thankful for the thoughtfulness of my daughter Carolyn" and for my dad.   Other than that, the book was completely empty.  Perhaps coincidence, but I choose to believe it was a message to me and I cherish that book.  

Years ago I wrote in my gratitude journals, meditated, read books by writers like Louise Hay, Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson and followed many different positive speakers.  Life can get so busy and between getting married, having kids, starting a business; life goes so fast and sometimes we need a nudge to remind us how important it is to be quiet and spend time each day being thankful.  After Hurricane Sandy, I struggled with this.  We lost so much and looking back, I now realize just how important that moment in time was.  Our home was destroyed and we were homeless for awhile, sleeping on the floor for months and living without a kitchen and our life was in boxes for nearly a year.  One night I had a dream that God told my mother the hurricane was going to come and she asked him why this had to happen to her daughter.  God leaned over to whisper to her, but I was not allowed to hear. I woke up and felt shaken and this has haunted me ever since.  I may never know why things like this happen in life, but I do know that I am finally finding my way back to a place of peace and love.  It's been a long journey to get to where I am now and I am so excited to see what the future holds.  I would love for you to join me and take the journey toward living life with gratitude, joy and love every day ... 

Join us by emailing with Gratitude in the subject and we will email you when the challenge starts.  

Let's do this together ... thank you for reading and I hope you join!!  

30 Day Challenge .. Coming 2015 

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